John 19:30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
The last words that Jesus Christ uttered while he breathed his last breath on the cross. A declaration that it is a done work, Christ dealt with pain. The perfect lamb was already sacrificed. Little did the enemy know that Sunday was coming, the tomb moved, and Jesus Christ resurrected, conquered death, freed the souls, heavens opened and all who believed in Him joined the Father in Heaven.
In the finished work of Christ, the sting of death ended, sins forgiven, and the burden of the law was carried by Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:55-57). He became our righteousness, that we need not to do anything else to pay our trespasses but rather in faith, come into the throne of grace and mercy of God through Christ, that through his unparalleled love in redeeming us, will lead us to a repenting life.
In today’s reflection of Christ’s resurrection, may we all be encouraged to rest in the finished work of Christ on the cross, by surrendering to Him, allowing Jesus to Lord over our lives, and plant His will in our hearts. May the power of His resurrection be the reason for our faith in Christ, our solid ground, allow His finished work to sanctify us as He transforms us from glory to glory for His purposes. May His finished work in the cross be our armor to overcome the enemy, while we wait for the glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ.