[Romans Study 2-2]
Introduction II: Study Of Romans
Secret Of Successful Bible Study
Not Their Story of Old and Then, But My Story of Now and Here!
We must always remember that just because something is written to address a specific situation, it is not necessarily transient, and there is no reason a deeper truth cannot be equally relevant today. All the great love songs of the world were written not to us, but still we are moved by them. The human need and the human situation still remains, and the way that God speaks to us through Paul’s words has not changed either.
Stories in the Bible should not be regarded as stories that once happened to somebody else a long time ago. But we should find its relevance to our lives today and apply the lessons to our everyday lives. Their story of old and then must be linked to my story of now and here!
Holy Spirit
In order to make the Bible stories come to life, in our humility, we should sincerely ask for the Holy Spirit to illuminate our mind.
We know from experience that He suddenly comes upon us – He illuminates the mind and moves the heart – and I believe that any man who expounds the Scripture should always be open to the influences of the Holy Ghost.
Seeking the Spirit’s help, let us now explore this tremendous book, during which time we will live with Paul. Throughout each moment of every study, let God speak to us through Paul’s words.
Paul’s Journey To Rome
Paul arrives in Jerusalem around late spring of 58 A.D. (Acts 21:17) but as was expected, the Jews caused a riot (Acts 21:27-30).
Roman troops take Paul to Felix and Felix decides to keep him Praetorium of Herod (Acts 23:35). From early Summer 58 A.D. to early Autumn 60 A.D. Paul is a Roman prisoner in Caesarea.
In Caesarea, Paul, as a Roman citizen, requests that his case be heard by Caesar. King Agrippa agrees to send Paul to Rome (Acts 26:32).
In the Autumn of 60 A.D. Paul, along with other prisoners, boards a boat for Rome. Paul’s travel to Rome is considered by many to be his final or last missionary journey.
Paul finally arrives in Rome as a prisoner. While in Rome Paul is allowed to live by himself guarded only by a soldier and is able to receive visitors and continue his preaching of the Gospel (Acts 28:16-31).
1. Describe Paul’s circumstances when he was writing the Epistle to the Romans.
2. What should be the right approach in studying the Epistle to the Romans according to today’s study?
3. Share your reflection on the introduction to Romans so far before we move onto Chapter 1 of the book.
4. What can you expect to learn from future studies from this book? Share your study plans with your Bible study guide.
Thank you for leading us to this Romans Bible study. Moved and inspired by the Holy Spirit, the great Apostle Paul poured out his heart and mind into this Epistle. Romans is profound. It is the living word of God. As Martin Luther said, truly, Romans can never be read too often and too well and the more it is used the more delicious it becomes and the better it tastes. It is the treasure chest for all believers for it tells us the core of the Gospel of God.
As many perils awaited him on his way to Jerusalem, the Apostle on this Epistle had to impart the gems in his life—the truth of the Gospel that transformed his life and fiery testimony of his faith. As if he was telling his last will before the shadow of death, he was writing this letter.
As we move on to our Bible study, may we follow the sincere heart of Paul and discover the amazing treasure hidden in this Epistle. May we accept this study as God’s word spoken to us today. May we never fall into intellectual arrogance but in complete humility seek the Holy Spirit to completely guide us through all our Bible studies so that we may be brought to God ever more closely. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
Republished with permission from Dr. Christy Tran, the author of “The Epistle to the Romans: Paul’s Love Letter from God.”