Romans, A Love Letter?
Many people say that Paul’s Epistle to the Romans is complex to comprehend. Although it looks difficult, as we deeply meditate upon it, we come to realize that Romans is chiefly a love letter.
I had the privilege of attending various Bible studies on this very Epistle. As the study went on, the profound love of God mysteriously illuminated me. The realization of this love was so powerful that my heart grew heated and tears were shed, touched by the light of the Holy Spirit, like the passion of the Sun that melts the snow on the mountains.
After this amazing experience, the Epistle to the Romans became refreshing as I could see Paul’s heart-trembling confessions of love at the letter’s core. Romans is Paul’s love letter to both God and to the Romans. Paul confessed his love to God, and to all those who are in Rome, through this masterpiece that testifies to the very essence of the Gospel. Paul’s passion for the Lord, and the continuing spreading of the Gospel, surely bubbled and boiled out like a volcano through this Epistle.
Yet in all this the main thing has not been mentioned. In this letter of Paul to the Romans, God Himself wants to speak to us. The Pauline teaching is the means through which God Himself wants to teach us; Paul’s Epistle to the Romans is a letter from God to us, and to mankind today.
Therefore, Paul’s Epistle to the Romans is not just a Pauline love letter but it is most essentially God’s love letter to us all who read His letter today.
This book is not a technical verse-by-verse commentary on Romans. It is not intended to be a critical or doctrinal treatment, but rather a devotional exposition. Our goal should be to discover the truths in this amazing document that can transform our lives today.
In this Epistle Paul argues about his faith, but his main purpose is to kindle in others that fire of devotion that burns in his own heart.
I pray that as we study the Epistle to the Romans, our hearts will burn like Paul’s with the firm conviction of salvation. Consequently, we will understand the Gospel in its purest form.
“How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.” (Psalms 119:9)
“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” (Psalms 119:18)
Republished with permission from Dr. Christy Tran, the author of “The Epistle to the Romans: Paul’s Love Letter from God.”