Ruth: An awesome woman of God

The life of Ruth is a testament to absolute surrender to God. A powerful example of the highly consecrated faith life.

During a great trial, she displayed excellent character (Read Ruth 1:16-18). 

  1. I will go where you go
  2. I will lodge where you lodge
  3. Your people will be my people
  4. Your God will be my God
  5. Where you die, I will go die
  6. Let only death part you and me
  7. Steadfast mindset

Be like Ruth, she loved the truth

Like a pure virgin, she had the willingness to follow God wherever He took her. (Revelation 14:4,5)

Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but Jesus did not have a roof to lay under (Luke 9:58). Ruth did not worry about where to stay. She was ready to live wherever with Naomi.

Her love for God enabled her to overcome carnal attachments and receive a new family in God. (Matthew 19:29).

She loved the truth and made Him her own. God was personal to her. David and other heroes knew God as their own (Psalms 118:28).

People take great pride in being born and buried in a particular place. Ruth did not care about any place on earth. She only cared to die in the presence of God.

Her loyalty and faithfulness were till the end. She committed to staying faithful to God till death.

She had a steadfast mind. Her belief was not a staggering, doubtful one. There was nothing or no one who could separate her from God.

What a fine woman of God! She did not grow up in the faith but recognized the beauty of the true God when she came to know Him through her in-laws. She held on till the very end, and God blessed her accordingly. 

Submit, hold on, and let God finish the good work He started in you. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.

Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Ruth: An awesome woman of God.

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