Sermon on Bible scripture: Ye are Gods
Posted on February 16, 2014
What does the Bible in Genesis 1 vs 27 and Psalm 82 vs 6 by “Ye are gods’? Why does God call human beings gods?
- Genesis Chapter 1 vs. 27 says: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
- If God created you in His image this means you have the attributes of God. And the attributes of God includes power of imagination, creativity, innovation, deep thinking, excellence and ingenuity.
- It is important for you to know that you are created as a human being not an animal. You have a brain and intelligence higher than all other creatures of God
- Most of our daily problems can be solved through deep thinking and meditation. God gave you brain to think, use it today.
- There is a time to pray, and there is a time to think. God cannot do all your thinking for you.
- I challenge you to think deep and come out with ideas that will solve your problems and move you forward.
- Most times, we worry about our problems and expect God to come with the solutions. But you are created in the image of God, and you have the power of imagination and creatively to come up with solutions and ideas to progress.
- This day, I encourage you to look for a quiet place and spend some quiet time thinking about the options and alternatives to move your life forward.
- You are a god. So think like a god today.
- Go ahead, explore your virtues, skills and talent and manifest His works today. As you think and meditate, the Holy Spirit shall give you new ideas, broaden your imagination, remind you of new things, tell you the truth, teach you the solutions, and direct you in Jesus name
Prayers – The God in me, manifest in Jesus name
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