You have the light of Christ in you as a believer. The darkness of this world cannot overcome it (John 1:5). You are the light that shines into the darkness, in the hearts of others (Luke 1:79). The light in you from Christ can overcome any darkness.
There is great darkness covering the earth. Do not be troubled by it. Stay focused on your journey among the people God has placed in your life.
What is this darkness?
The evil of hatred and other wicked natures daily persisting in our hearts (1 John 2:11).
How does this darkness re-enter our lives? Will you shine the light of Christ?
Through our eyes (Matthew 6:23). Mind what you watch (or hear) on your mobile phone or media.
Media has the power to transform how we think and feel. It can turn our light into darkness because we wilfully fill our being with unnecessary information. Be careful that your light isn’t darkness (Luke 11:35).
The people in power misuse media and technology to keep changing the narratives to confuse and exhaust us. The devil comes as the angel of light, and every earthly resource is at his disposal. His only aim is to go against believers and the innocent.
Social Media has exploded with all kinds of false Christians who spin controversial narratives to confuse weak believers. The attack is greatest against women and children. That’s why Jesus says to weep for women and children. Look up online how social media trends affect teenage girls and how they are losing their identity. It will break your heart.
How to make sure your light isn’t darkness? Pray and study the word of God. Hear from Him. The word of God will sanctify you. The Spirit of God will nourish you in His righteousness. In time, you will bear fruit as you shine the light of Christ.
Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Shine the light of Christ in your world – Raising Generation Zion.