Soaring above the realities of this world

but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint. – Isaiah 40:31 NIV

To most of us as of this moment most likely feels heavy burdens in the events that are happening around us. Externally speaking, such as the fast pace day-to-day movements, the rising fuel prices, the demanding labor system to name a few. On the other hand, internally, such as pressure of the society to us, thriving to develop, overcoming a bad habit, achieving goals that we have been trying to attain for a long time. You see daily, there are a lot of things to ponder into and naturally, we respond with an instant resolution to cease these all as though we can wipe out everything and put an end to any unpleasant experiences. We want an instant fix.

Realistically, while we are in this fallen world as result of sin, sufferings and all other unpleasant things take place every day, as the kind of world we live right now is yet to be changed by God as He unfolds His ultimate plans to humanity at the same time. Though, the things happening around us are out of our control, as followers of Jesus Christ, we can hold on to this wonderful promise of the Lord found in Isaiah 40:31:

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

This covenant of God uplifts our groaning spirits that even though we see and experience bothering events around us, we are to be encouraged in the sovereignty of the Lord we trust who hold all things. We have been redeemed through the victory of the Lord Jesus that all we need to do is to patiently wait for His glorious time to come, that while we wait, the Lord will renew our strength every day, comparing it with an eagle that we can soar above the problems in this world, which means we do not lose hope. That while we hope, the Lord will sustain us until He comes to meet us.

So take heart, in every fall, overwhelming situations, recall this promise of the Lord. Come and ask God to renew your strength and give you a new perspective. Continue to trust and obey God in all aspect of your life, follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ, bring the good news of salvation that people will be curious, will believe and eventually cross from darkness to light.

Let us all be encouraged, let us all rise above the worldly events that can stifle us, rather let us look into the kingdom of God to reign forevermore Let that be our hope, a hope that will cause us to face the tomorrows of our lives with strength coming from the Lord himself.

Wait patiently and joyfully upon the Lord. 

Categorized as Daily Bread

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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