Spiritually Alive – Romans 8:10


“But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness.” – Romans 8:10

We are by nature physically and spiritually dead because of sin. All of us are subject to death and all of us will die. We are evil and deserve condemnation. Actually, because of all the horrible things we did, we all deserve to suffer. Hell is real, and it was made for the devil and his followers. It was not made for us, but since we are following sin or having sin as our master, we are subject to be with him and to suffer with him. However, there is now a way to escape this, but it is not through our own strength or through our own knowledge but through the knowledge of God. 

The only way to escape this is if Christ is in us. When we are in Christ, just as Paul wrote in our verse today, we are spiritually alive. Then, we can then ask, how come we still die if we are alive in Christ? Now the difference between our life outside Christ and the life in Christ is that before, we are physically and spiritually dead because of sin. However, now, we are spiritually alive, although we are still physically dead because of sin. So, why didn’t God just make us physically alive? Like having an eternal life– an immortal life here on earth? It is because this earth is only temporary. Our body will decay and our body will still die, but the death that we will be experiencing if we have in Christ is only a passageway to have our eternal life with Him. 

We have to understand that if we are in Christ, we are now alive. When before we were subjected to sin and we were subjected to die, now the spirit of God gives us life. Although our body– our physical body will suffer, we are going to be alive in Him and be with Him in paradise. We have to remember that our God is the God of promises and He will never fall short of His promise. So, when He promised to make us alive with His spirit through Christ, we will really be alive in Him and will be with Him in paradise. Thus, we must always remember that we have to have Christ in us. 

Whatever we will do, whatever good things we will do, we will never be alive and save through the good things we did. We are always sinners, and we remain sinful and bonded with sin. However, the One who can only change our situation is Christ alone. We will be changed by Him and we will be saved through Him. Now, let us draw near to the throne of grace of God and ask for forgiveness. Let us accept and acknowledge Christ as our Lord and Savior, and let us let the Holy Spirit make us alive and guide our day-to-day walk in Christ. May we always look at Christ and let Him save us and give us life that is everlasting and free from the bondage of sin and death.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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