Spurgeon and the Psalms

Disclosure: I received this Spurgeon and the Psalms Bible for free as a Bible Gateway Blogger Grid member. 

I love Bibles and own several for various purposes. So, I have my go-to study Bible, compact travel Bible, my dad’s old Bibles, and even a Bible in English and Swahili. So, when Bible Gateway offered me the opportunity to receive and review the Spurgeon and the Psalms Bible, I jumped at the chance. And, as I mentioned in last week’s post, I love to “win” things. 

This Bible

This beautifully bound Bible contains all 150 Psalms. And, each one comes with a short meditation from Charles Spurgeon, the “Prince of Preachers.” During his ministry, Charles preached his way through the Psalms. Also, these sermons were later published in a book called “The Treasury of David.” The meditations for each Psalm come from this book.

But why the Psalms? The Book of Psalms, one of the most widely read and the most adored of all the books in the Old Testament, is a collection of poems, hymns, and prayers. The author of the Psalms wrote them for the people of Israel, but they still provide us comfort and hope today. The best description is that they are instructions for Godly living.

Features of Spurgeon and the Psalms

  • An exquisite edition of Psalms in the entrusted NKJV translation
  • Each Psalm is set in a poetic-style single column on a right-hand page with room to journal your meditations
  • Clear and readable print
  • Easy to read as a morning devotional

Sample from Psalm 5 – A Prayer for Guidance

“Do we not miss very much of the sweetness and efficacy of prayer by a want of careful meditation before it, and of hopeful expectation after it? “My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up.” We too often rush into the presence of God without forethought or humility. We are like people who present themselves before a king without a petition, and what wonder is it that we often miss the end of prayer? We should be careful to keep the stream of meditation always running, for this is the water to drive the mill of prayer.

It is idle to put up the floodgates of a dry brook and then hope to see the wheel revolve. Prayer without fervency is like hunting with a dead dog, and prayer without preparation is hawking with a blind falcon. Prayer is the work of the Holy Spirit, but He works by means. God made man, but He used the dust of the earth as a material. The Holy Ghost is the author of prayer, but He employs the thoughts of a fervent soul as the gold with which to fashion the vessel. Let our prayers and praises be not the flashes of a hot and hasty brain but the steady burning of a well-kindled fire.”

Purchasing copies of Spurgeon and the Psalms

This Bible is available for purchase at FaithGateway Store or Amazon. And, I highly recommend this work as a beautiful addition to your Bible collection. Also, I believe, like me, you will read it over and over again.

“Think of what you are, you Christians. You are God’s children; you are joint heirs with Christ. The ‘many mansions’ are for you; the palms and harps of the glorified are for you. You have a share in all that Christ has and is and shall be.”

Charles Spurgeon


Disclosure: I received this Spurgeon and the Psalms Bible for free as a Bible Gateway Blogger Grid member. 


Prayer for Spurgeon and the Psalms

Dear Father in Heaven, open the eyes of my heart so that I might learn from you today. As I read Your Word, teach me what you would teach me, reveal Your truth to my heart, and quiet the doubts that rise inside of me. Please be with me and help me see what you would have me see. I commit this time to you, so speak to me through your Word. Amen.

Do you need prayer? I would love to pray for you. Submit your prayer request on my website at https://yvonne-morgan.com/submit-your-prayer-request-here/

Yvonne M Morgan

Grace and Peace to you,

Yvonne M. Morgan is a Christian #author, #blogger, and #speaker. #BibleGatewayPartner

Matthew 28:19 “Therefore, GO and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Additional Resources:

My Story

Learn About My Book

Getting to know Jesus

Prayer for Salvation

Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Spurgeon and the Psalms.

By Crossmap Blogs

Crossmap.com is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.

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