Stillness in the Raging Waters (Isaiah 43:2)

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; ISAIAH 43:2

The river features a moving water with strong current which at times when triggered by a bad weather condition, can be almost impossible for us to cross, or worse, drown. The river in this passage from the book of Isaiah, in which God himself addressed, is a representation of life’s circumstances that can overwhelm us beyond our human capacity, in which the Lord promised that if we trust and abide in Him, though the river current may be difficult for us to handle, the Lord with His might and love will go through with us, will comfort us, strengthen us and direct us until we passed it through.

In overwhelming situations in our lives, one can really think of thoughts that we are forsaken, left alone, unloved, and these are not true. For the truth is, if we trust and abide in the Lord in all seasons, in all circumstances, that seem impossible for us to overcome, the Lord promises that He will be with us and not leave us, in fact one of God’s beautiful ways is when we passed through “life’s rivers”, He used those situations to turn it out for good, and us coming out firm and stronger in Him, with deeper understanding of His will.

Today, be encouraged to draw near to God when the current of the rivers of your situation shakes you, entrust it to the Lord, ask for wisdom, be still, and allow the Lord to work in ways we do not see. 

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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