Sunday Stillness – Isaiah 35:2

Finally this week I planted my garden. This spring has been cold, rainy and it hasn’t been the right time to get outside and plant.
I had a wonderful time. I love getting my hands into the dirt. I never use gloves. On the other hand, my hubby hates to put his hands into the earth. So he uses the shovel and I play with the dark soil. Heaven.
Joy – beauty – and song.
This week’s Scripture is from The Message:
Yes, there will be an abundance of flowers
and singing and joy!
The deserts will become as green as the mountains of Lebanon,
as lovely as Mount Carmel or the plain of Sharon.
There the Lord will display his glory,
the splendor of our God (Isaiah 35:2)
What joy are you seeing this season?
I watch for the splendour of God as it unfolds in my garden.
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Today is Sunday Stillness.
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I would appreciate if you would link only about God’s Word. If you have a linky party that’s okay if it is about the same thing. Please no sales or prizes. I want this to be friendly but I must ask you to abide by the rules. Others want to read God’s Word – and that is what I would like the links to be about. I must take down the links that don’t follow the rules. Thanks so much.
Please check out all the places I link to during the week. Thanks to everyone who has joined Sunday Stillness. I do try to get to your posts every week but I admit sometimes I don’t have the time.
Here are my favourite links for Sunday Stillness:

Missional Women – Faith Filled Fridays

Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Sunday Stillness – Isaiah 35:2..