Little Known Bible Characters #4: Eutychus

By Elizabeth Prata #1: Iddo (Old Testament)#2: The List of Offenders (Old Testament)#3: Trophimus (New Testament)#4 Eutychus (New Testament) I never forgot Voddie Baucham’s introduction to a certain sermon. It was back when he was preaching here in the US and on rotation with other pastors in his church. He said his turn came up in the expository preaching passage, and it was… Continue reading Little Known Bible Characters #4: Eutychus

Little Known Bible Characters #3: Trophimus

By Elizabeth Prata Paul made three major missionary journeys. Acts 20 records the 3rd. He had spent 3 months in Greece, then planned to get on a boat in Corinth and set sail for Jerusalem via Syria, but he learned that some Jews were plotting to grab him for nefarious purposes on the voyage, so he decided… Continue reading Little Known Bible Characters #3: Trophimus

Little Known Bible Characters: Iddo

Trnava - The neo-gothic fresco of big prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel by Leopold Bruckner from end of 19. cent. in Saint Nicholas church.

When I read the Bible and someone is named that I am not too familiar with, it makes me curious. I’ll never get tired of studying Paul or Peter or John or Stephen or Lydia…but then someone is mentioned and I go “Another person to get to know! Who was h/she?” Like, Tychicus, Eutychus (the… Continue reading Little Known Bible Characters: Iddo