Who was Titus in the Bible?

Titus ( tı̄´tus, Τίτος , Tı́tos) was an early Christian teacher, missionary and church leader, one of the apostle Paul’s most trusted companion and fellow-laborer. He was a Greek, thus Gentile (Galatians 2:3), born probably in Antioch or its neighborhood, and converted to Christianity perhaps by the Apostle himself (Titus 1:4). His name does not occur in the Acts and elsewhere… Continue reading Who was Titus in the Bible?

Who was Gamaliel in the Bible (Acts 5)?

Gamaliel was a celebrated Pharisee, a Jewish rabbi, a doctor of the law, and member of the Sanhedrin (highest Jewish council)  in the early times of Christianity. He intervened in the trial of Peter and the other apostles ( Acts 5:33-39). He is also represented by the Apostle Paul as his early teacher before the conversion of the… Continue reading Who was Gamaliel in the Bible (Acts 5)?

Who were the Sadducees (Acts 4:1-2)?

Sadducees is one of the three sects of Jewish philosophers, of which the Pharisees and the Essenes were the others, who had reached their highest state of prosperity about the commencement of the Christian era. Mentioned in the Bible The name  The explanation of the name ‘Sadducee’ has long been a puzzle. Only two views… Continue reading Who were the Sadducees (Acts 4:1-2)?

Who was Apollos in the Bible?

First Appearance: A learned man, competent in the Scriptures. A – pol´os ( Ἀπολλώς , Apollō̇s , the short form of Apollonius): Apollos was a Jew of Alexandria ( Acts 18:24 ) who reached Ephesus in the summer of 54 ad, while Paul was on his third missionary journey, and there he “spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus” ( Acts 18:25 ).… Continue reading Who was Apollos in the Bible?

Who was John Mark in the Bible?

Mark, John ( Ἰωάννης , Iōánnēs ) represents his Jewish, Mark ( Μάρκος , Márkos ) his Roman name.  Mark is the author of the second Gospel, the son of Mary, Barnabas’ sister, who ministered to Christ, and whose house in Jerusalem was a place of resort for the disciples of Christ after the resurrection; accompanied Paul and his uncle on… Continue reading Who was John Mark in the Bible?

Sister, servant and leader: Who was Phoebe in the Bible?

With only 50 odd words – or two verses – dedicated to her in the Bible, you could easily miss Phoebe in your reading of Romans. But that would be a shame. Although few words are given, the ones chosen reveal a woman of faith who served her church both spiritually and financially. Romans 16:1-2 says: “I commend… Continue reading Sister, servant and leader: Who was Phoebe in the Bible?

Who was Ethan the Ezrahite in the Bible?

Ethan the Ezrahite is the songwriter-author of Psalm 89. The title of that psalm says it is “a maskil of Ethan the Ezrahite.” In addition to Psalm 89, Ethan the Ezrahite is mentioned in 1 Kings 4:31 as a wise man, yet not as wise as King Solomon, who “was wiser than anyone else, including Ethan the Ezrahite.” 1 Chronicles… Continue reading Who was Ethan the Ezrahite in the Bible?