What is the history and significance of Thessalonica in the Bible?

Thessalonica was the capital and most populous city in Macedonia in Paul’s time. Paul and Silas, in a.d. 58, came to Thessalonica from Philippi, which was 100 miles northeast during his second missionary journey. After Alexander the Great established the Greek Empire (fourth century BC), the Greeks built many magnificent cities. One of these was Thessalonica in… Continue reading What is the history and significance of Thessalonica in the Bible?

What is the history and significance of Corinth in the Bible?

The city of Corinth was located in southern Greece, the capital of what was the Roman province of Achaia, 45 miles from Athens. This city was one of the best peopled and most wealthy of Greece. Its situation between two seas drew thither the trade of both the east and west. Its riches produced pride,… Continue reading What is the history and significance of Corinth in the Bible?

History and Significance of The City of Philippi in the Bible

Philippi was a city of Macedonia about nine miles from the sea, to the northwest of the island of Thasos, which is twelve miles distant from its port Neapolis, the modern Kavalla. It was named after Philip of Macedon (the father of Alexander the Great), who conquered it about 356 BC and made it into one of one of… Continue reading History and Significance of The City of Philippi in the Bible

What is the significance of Antioch in the Bible?

Antioch in the Bible is the name of two New Testament cities: Pisidian Antioch and Syrian Antioch. Antioch of Syria, also known as Antioch on the Orontes River, was the third-largest city in the Roman Empire. Only Rome in Italy and Alexandria in Egypt were larger. Syrian Antioch (current-day Antakya, Turkey) was situated on the… Continue reading What is the significance of Antioch in the Bible?