And this is the plan of God: Both Gentiles and Jews who believe the Good News share equally in the riches inherited by God’s children. Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise of blessings because they belong to Christ Jesus. Ephesians 3:6 God kept His plan of salvation for all people… Continue reading The Plan Of God Revealed
Tag: Bible
Where Does Faith Come From?
Faith is one of the most misused words in the English language. Or maybe I should call it one of the most abused words. Faith is an incredible thing, but far too many of us make faith whatever we want it to be. We give faith our own definition and assume everyone is just fine… Continue reading Where Does Faith Come From?
God Hates Sinners? Really??
Last week we looked at the imprecatory psalms. This week, we are taking one step to the side and looking at a couple of specific statements from the psalms that are a bit difficult to understand or swallow. Several times over the past week, I have seen this concept floated, “Love the sinner but hate… Continue reading God Hates Sinners? Really??
Nativity & Advent: What about Joseph the Carpenter?
In biblical times (now, too), the son took on the father’s profession. The tailor’s son became a tailor. The butcher’s son became a butcher. The blacksmith’s son became a blacksmith. The fisherman’s son became a fisherman. My own father, and his father before him, became a funeral director. Many professions are mentioned in the New… Continue reading Nativity & Advent: What about Joseph the Carpenter?
John 14:1-14 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father`s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again… Continue reading UNTO US A SON IS GIVEN
What Do You Need Protection From?
If Jesus prayed for our protection … “Holy Father, protect them by your name that you have given me” (John 17:11) … then why am I not protected from the bad things I experience? Jesus prayed for our protection, yet life is still full of attacks and problems. What’s up with that? Jesus prayed for… Continue reading What Do You Need Protection From?
When Christmas Never Ends
In just a few days, you will most likely be taking down those Christmas decorations and packing them up until next year…when you will be pulling them out and decorating all over again! Yes, Christmas is coming again…unless Jesus comes back before then. This year, as you pack away those tinseled treasures, I want you… Continue reading When Christmas Never Ends
“Watching Up”: Ten Verses for Stopping Anxiety by Changing Our Focus
There are signs telling us to watch out everywhere we go: watch your step, watch out for pedestrians, watch for deer crossing the road, slippery when wet, dead end ahead. These signs are there for our protection. They focus our attention on a possible danger or problem. That’s a good thing. The world is full… Continue reading “Watching Up”: Ten Verses for Stopping Anxiety by Changing Our Focus
Why the Imprecatory Psalms?
I don’t want to wish ill on anyone. I don’t even like the idea of having enemies. Teachings like “love your enemies,” and “bless those who persecute you” ring in my head. You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray… Continue reading Why the Imprecatory Psalms?
Nativity & Advent: Anna, the Lord’s Precious Widow
The Nativity story includes wonderful elements as we learn them and repeat them year after year. We truly are little children, saying to our parents, “Tell me again!” We never tire of hearing as much as we can about our Savior who left His throne, left glory, left the perfect adoration of his angels, and… Continue reading Nativity & Advent: Anna, the Lord’s Precious Widow