Beyond religion: The universal wisdom offered by the Holy Bible

A picture of King Solomon. (Image from One day, two women approached the royal palace of King Solomon, their eyes filled with desperation and sorrow. Their tale reached the wise king’s ears. The dispute was over a newborn baby, a tiny life hanging in the balance of maternal claims. The first woman, her face… Continue reading Beyond religion: The universal wisdom offered by the Holy Bible

How Jesus Changed Israel

As the worldwide celebration of Christmas overlaps with the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, my thoughts have been increasingly on the question, “Did Christ’s coming change anything about how we as Christians should think about Israel?” Before Jesus, the Old Testament tells us that the Jewish nation of Israel was God’s chosen people. For you are a… Continue reading How Jesus Changed Israel

God Honours Marriage

Paul reminded the Christians in the Hebrew church about the importance of marriage. He warned against adultery and sexual immorality, as this would attract the judgement of God. I am generally surprised when someone tries to justify pursuing a relationship with a married person. The justification is often that, ‘maybe they married the wrong person.’… Continue reading God Honours Marriage

Christian, Are You Suffering?

Read 1 Peter 4:12-19. We may have been told that when we accept Christ, then there will only be sunshine and roses. We may have even believed it’s only to find out the problems remained, and the suffering did not disappear. But we’ve changed. Suffering results from the fall and a consequence of sin against God.… Continue reading Christian, Are You Suffering?