Rebuked by Blessing

Have you ever been rebuked by bananas? Probably not. But Darlene Deibler was.  A young missionary wife ministering to the people of New Guinea in the late nineteen-thirties and early forties, Darlene and her husband continued their ministry though war had broken out across the globe. Eventually Japan took control of the island, and the… Continue reading Rebuked by Blessing

Did You Worship With Thanksgiving? – Psalms 50

Psalms 50 In the rich tapestry of Psalms, we encounter Psalm 50, a poetic masterpiece attributed to Asaph, a distinguished music minister. As we delve into this psalm, we find profound insights that resonate and speak to the essence of worship in our lives. Asaph, known for his musical prowess, played a pivotal role in… Continue reading Did You Worship With Thanksgiving? – Psalms 50

Remember to Be a Blessing

Throughout my childhood numerous phrases spoken by my dad became as woven into the fabric of my growing up-years as the scents of my mom’s signature dishes or the blue-and-white decor that graced the shelves. Some were spoken in jest, like “No pain, no gain” (though in reality my dad was quite compassionate when we… Continue reading Remember to Be a Blessing

The legacy of Isaac and Ishmael: Israel’s turbulent and sacred path

Soldiers carrying rifles. (Photo by Somchai Kongkamsri from Pexels) In early October 2023, Hamas initiated an unexpected offensive within Israel’s borders, launching the attack from the Palestinian territory of Gaza. In a tragic turn of events, the actions of Hamas fighters resulted in the loss of more than 1,200 lives. Those affected were innocent women… Continue reading The legacy of Isaac and Ishmael: Israel’s turbulent and sacred path

The Privileged Life: Say “Amen” to Blessings and Trials

“And Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God. Then all the people answered, “Amen, Amen!” while lifting up their hands. And they bowed their heads and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground.” (Nehemiah 8:6) When our daughter, Elizabeth, was a toddler and starting to talk, I would set her in her high chair just before dinner and start putting food on… Continue reading The Privileged Life: Say “Amen” to Blessings and Trials

A Marriage Blessing From Ruth (Ruth 4.11-12) ‣ Praying Through the Bible

May the LORD make the woman who is coming into your house like Rachel and Leah, who together built up the house of Israel. May you produce children in Ephrathah and bestow a name in Bethlehem; and, through the children that the LORD will give you by this young woman, may your house be like… Continue reading A Marriage Blessing From Ruth (Ruth 4.11-12) ‣ Praying Through the Bible

Blessed and not Cursed

A story is told in Numbers 22-23 about the King of Moab named Baalam. During his time as King, the Israelites travelled from Egypt towards the promised land. When they came near Moab, Baalam became nervous because they had overthrown every Kingdom before them. Baalam was worried that now Isreal would overtake him and possess his kingdom.… Continue reading Blessed and not Cursed

25 Bible verse that proves obedience brings blessings

So you’ve heard it before, right? “Obedience brings blessings.”  It’s a phrase often thrown around in religious circles, but what does it mean?  Is this age-old wisdom grounded in reality or another cliché? This blog will explore how the Bible draws a vivid, almost unarguable connection between obeying God’s Word and reaping blessings. What is… Continue reading 25 Bible verse that proves obedience brings blessings

Blessings in the Ashes of Our Mars Hill Experience — Nicole O’Meara

The Rise & Fall of Mars Hill, a podcast by CT Magazine, took the evangelical world by storm last year. My readers already know I think it’s excellent. Now that the podcast is finished, I’ll go so far as to say I think this should be mandatory listening for all seminary students, both as a… Continue reading Blessings in the Ashes of Our Mars Hill Experience — Nicole O’Meara

How to appreciate God’s blessings

“In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.” – John 7:37 A Snapshot of the Life of David Brainerd: Born: April 20, 1718 – Haddam, Connecticut Died: Oct. 9, 1747 – Northampton, Massachusetts Missionary to the Indians. Converted on… Continue reading How to appreciate God’s blessings