Influencing others: How to confront a friend who is a serial cheater

Do you have a friend who is cheating on their partner? The question that weighs on your mind is this: Should you confront them about it or simply pretend it is none of your business?  As a Christian, you are likely grappling with the moral dilemma of how to handle this situation in a way… Continue reading Influencing others: How to confront a friend who is a serial cheater

Cheaters have a warped view of reality – Divorce Minister

This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. –John 3:19, NIV The Warped World of Cheaters When you have trouble admitting truth, your grip with reality will become looser and looser. Along with that loosening grip, your world will become warped. This… Continue reading Cheaters have a warped view of reality – Divorce Minister