Is animal euthanasia a godly act of mercy

A puppy on a thick fabric. (Photo by Markus Winkler from Unsplash) Is animal euthanasia considered a godly act of mercy by some religious beliefs? Animal euthanasia, commonly known as the humane and compassionate act of ending an animal’s life to relieve suffering, is a complex subject that touches the lives of countless pet owners,… Continue reading Is animal euthanasia a godly act of mercy

John MacArthur on Compassion and Evangelism

This post was first published on August 5, 2016, and originally appeared as a part of a blog series titled “Compassion.” –ed. Many in the church today will tell you that the most important way believers reach out and minister to the world around us is through our compassion for those in need. They put… Continue reading John MacArthur on Compassion and Evangelism