What to do when faith is shaken

A woman kneeling while praying. (Photo by by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)Life throws us curveballs that can shake our faith. One minute, you’re solid in what you believe; the next, you’re filled with doubt and questions. “What do I do when my faith is shaken?” you might ask yourself.  It’s a tough spot but also… Continue reading What to do when faith is shaken

The Courage to Start Back at One

PRESS ON! Every year between summer and fall, there comes a moment where I sense something in the wind prompting me to begin what I am calling my “human hibernation”. It tells me to get my affairs in order, reinforce my spiritual foundations, be about my business, prepare mentally, physically, even emotionally for a lean… Continue reading The Courage to Start Back at One

The story of Esther: Courage and influence in the face of contemporary challenges

In contemporary Afghanistan, women and girls grapple with limited rights and freedoms.  Bound by strict dress codes and travel constraints, they can’t venture over 75 km without a male relative. This confines them to their homes, constraining their mobility and access to public spaces.  It highlights the delicate equilibrium of their rights and liberties. This… Continue reading The story of Esther: Courage and influence in the face of contemporary challenges

Discouraged? Here’s a Major Source for Courage

Knowing accurately God’s attributes can mean all the difference in fighting discouragement. TWEET THAT!!! (By the way, don’t forget to go to my previous blog post to enter the drawing for my new book “Heart of Courage: Daughters of the King Bible Study Series.” The drawing will end soon.) If as believers in God and His Son we… Continue reading Discouraged? Here’s a Major Source for Courage

Book Drawing for MY New Book: “Heart of Courage”

Announcement! My NEW Women’s Bible Study “Heart of Courage” is now available  and you could win it! I’m excited to announce and offer a book drawing for my new book, “Heart of Courage: Daughters of the King Bible Study Series” “Heart of Courage” is a 10 lesson women’s Bible study examining God’s instruction and encouragement for trusting Him… Continue reading Book Drawing for MY New Book: “Heart of Courage”