Light Constitutes Us into New Jerusalem

Revelation 21:11 tells us that New Jerusalem has the glory of God, and “Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, as clear as crystal.” New Jerusalem is the eternal lampstand shining to the whole universe. God is the unique eternal light. “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.” (1… Continue reading Light Constitutes Us into New Jerusalem

“We who have believed entered that rest.” – Hebrews 4:1-13

Hebrews 4:1-13 The author of the Book of Hebrews addresses its significance for all spiritual “Hebrews.” The first chapter asserts that those who believe in Jesus possess a higher status than angels. Subsequent chapters, particularly 3 and 4, highlight the distinction of Jesus Christ from figures like Moses and Joshua. Chapter 3 emphasizes the Israelites’… Continue reading “We who have believed entered that rest.” – Hebrews 4:1-13

50 Days of Heaven, and a Free Devotional Study Guide You Can Use – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

My life has been shaped by all kinds of writings that have pointed me to God’s Book. As an author, I love writing different books to reach more people in more ways, by God’s grace, with the life-changing truths of His Word. I wrote 50 Days of Heaven by selecting the material most suitable from my book Heaven for… Continue reading 50 Days of Heaven, and a Free Devotional Study Guide You Can Use – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Our Daily Bread Ministries Releases Special Edition Devotional Literature Honoring the Black Experience… – After the Altar Call

Hello World, When I rededicated my life to Jesus Christ about 20 years ago after being baptized as a teenager, I was on the hunt for Christian materials that would help me to learn about God. The daily devotional entries by Our Daily Bread Ministries were probably the first devotional materials that I read. I appreciated the… Continue reading Our Daily Bread Ministries Releases Special Edition Devotional Literature Honoring the Black Experience… – After the Altar Call

Academic or devotional? How do you read?

Is formal study of Scripture different to personal devotional reading? How do we keep them separate? Should we? How do I balance my academic reading of Scripture with my devotional reading? It’s a question I get from friends, students and pastors. I understand why: if we read the Bible only to write papers or deliver… Continue reading Academic or devotional? How do you read?

7 Bible Verses to Help you Believe God wants More for you

Have you ever if God wants more for your life? I’m a big believer that God has more for you & I see it throughout scripture. One quote from my upcoming book is, “God’s best for you is better than you think.” I truly believe this! To support “Threshold” (the free weekly newsletter!) buy your… Continue reading 7 Bible Verses to Help you Believe God wants More for you