[Bible Q&A] How does Adam’s sin affect me today?

The Doctrine of Original Sin explains how Adam’s sin affects all humanity and how Jesus Christ’s death offers redemption. According to Romans 5:12, sin entered the world through Adam, and death followed, affecting everyone because all have sinned. This idea is based on Augustine’s teaching that Adam’s sin makes everyone sinners from birth. Adam’s disobedience… Continue reading [Bible Q&A] How does Adam’s sin affect me today?

Enter New Jerusalem through the Death and Resurrection of Christ Jesus

Revelation 21:21’s description of New Jerusalem is “the twelve gates were twelve pearls; each one of the gates was, respectively, of one pearl.” In the lamp the person of the Son is shining and expressing the Triune God, but in the pearls (v. 21) we see the Son’s work of death and resurrection. We have seen… Continue reading Enter New Jerusalem through the Death and Resurrection of Christ Jesus

Praying to the dead in heaven for intercession?

By Elizabeth Prata Catholic believers pray to Mary. They think that since Jesus can’t resist His mother, that if they pray to Mary, whop passes it to her son, their prayers get more oomph. In addition, they have been told that Mary’s conception was immaculate, and therefore she is without sin, and is co-redeemer with… Continue reading Praying to the dead in heaven for intercession?