Righteous People Walk In The Paths Of The Lord

Let those who are wise understand these things. Let those with discernment listen carefully. The paths of the Lord are true and right, and righteous people live by walking in them. Hosea 14:9 Hosea ended his prophetic book with that verse. In it, he said, Let those who are wise understand these things. As we look into… Continue reading Righteous People Walk In The Paths Of The Lord

Is there a scriptural basis for discernment? Part 2

By Elizabeth Prata Part 1 here: Why are there so many false pastors? In these biblically illiterate days, many people focus their anger on the person calling out false teachers. They become angry with those who are warning against false doctrines or movements. Discernment is important! But, is there a scriptural basis for discernment activity, such… Continue reading Is there a scriptural basis for discernment? Part 2

Introducing: Correct-A-Meme

By Elizabeth Prata I’ll do an occasional entry in this new series, looking at memes and where they take our mind from Jesus and put it on wrong tracks. Where does false doctrine happen? The Bible warns us repeatedly to make sure we are absorbing healthy doctrine and not taking in any polluted doctrine. Our… Continue reading Introducing: Correct-A-Meme