Old Testament Joseph’s Heart Models Great Leadership – Ron Edmondson

Old Testament Joseph’s heart models some great leadership characteristics. Someone asked me once what I primarily look for in the hiring of a staff position. I said, without reservation, first and foremost, I look for the heart. I want a heart which honors Christ more than self, one which desires to grow and learn, and… Continue reading Old Testament Joseph’s Heart Models Great Leadership – Ron Edmondson

Start Your Year With the Bible – Enjoying the Journey

“The entrance of thy words giveth light; It giveth understanding unto the simple.” – Psalm 119:130 Shortly, we will begin a new year…2024! The best way to start your year is to begin with the Bible. January is a natural time to start again in your reading of Scripture. Many believers look for ideas they can implement… Continue reading Start Your Year With the Bible – Enjoying the Journey

Clergy Sexual Abuse Is SO Damaging! – Divorce Minister

2 And it came to pass in an eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king’s house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon. 3 And David sent and enquired after the woman. And one said, “Is… Continue reading Clergy Sexual Abuse Is SO Damaging! – Divorce Minister

Fasting other than food: Dedication to your faith

Fasting, in the Christian context, is more than an empty stomach. It is a deliberate act that echoes through biblical foundations, shaping the very core of your spirituality.  As a Christian, you are not just skipping meals. You are embarking on a journey that intertwines your daily choices with the sacred teachings that guide your… Continue reading Fasting other than food: Dedication to your faith

You Can’t Bubble Wrap Your Boy: And That’s a Good Thing!

Our family has a motto: “All five to keep him alive.” Ezra is the reason that motto exists. The baby of four brothers, Ezra was born without a risk regulator. He was not quite two the first time he ran away from home. We found him in a neighbor’s field, riding his red plastic motorcycle.… Continue reading You Can’t Bubble Wrap Your Boy: And That’s a Good Thing!

Low-tech can win from high-tech, small from big, slow from fast, lie from truth

Better is not hardwired in creation for triumph, but goodness is! The IDF and the US Army belong to the most modern. They can do things no one dreamed of a year ago. However, … Short-Term Setbacks “[Sometimes,] the race is not won by the swift, nor the battle by the strong.” (Ecclesiastes 9:11) Swatting… Continue reading Low-tech can win from high-tech, small from big, slow from fast, lie from truth

3 Powerful Truths to Remember When You’re Offended — Carol McLeod Ministries

Have you ever been offended by someone and then overreacted emotionally?  Has someone ever gotten on your very last nerve … and then you have let this incompetent person know about their thoughtless behavior with sharp words or with a cold attitude? How do you handle daily offenses? Now … I am not talking about abuse.  I… Continue reading 3 Powerful Truths to Remember When You’re Offended — Carol McLeod Ministries

Wise Investments: How Money Stewardship Connects to Body Stewardship

This thought-provoking episode of “Compared to Who?” explains the connections between being a good “steward” of our money and the stewardship of our bodies. Looking at Matthew 6, Heather answers a listener’s question: How can I know what it means to be a good steward of my body when it’s so easy to believe diet culture’s… Continue reading Wise Investments: How Money Stewardship Connects to Body Stewardship

Can Children Be Demonized?

The question at hand is a rather unsettling one – can children be demonized? It’s a topic that might raise eyebrows and cause unease, but it’s a question we must explore in today’s culture. Let’s leave aside the sensationalism of demon possession that we often encounter in wild movies like “Rosemary’s Baby” from years gone… Continue reading Can Children Be Demonized?