Be Peaceful and Not Pugnacious

This post was first published in January, 2015. —ed. The church’s highest office demands the highest moral character. And one of the most accurate indications of a man’s true character is how he responds when he is challenged or criticized. That is why Paul excludes pugnacious people from the office of elder or pastor. An overseer, then,… Continue reading Be Peaceful and Not Pugnacious

A Devotional Discipline: Writing the Scriptures – Enjoying the Journey

God gave His Word once and promised to preserve it to every generation (Psalm 12:7). No new truth is being revealed and it is our conviction that God’s last word to man on this side of eternity is found in the final Revelation of Jesus Christ that was given to John. When I speak of… Continue reading A Devotional Discipline: Writing the Scriptures – Enjoying the Journey