Unlimited: Sharing The Good News | Good News Unlimited

Unlimited: Sharing the Good News Jun 26, 2024 1531 “You must be on your guard. You will be handed over to the local councils and flogged in the synagogues. On account of me you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them. And the gospel must first be preached to all nations. Whenever you are arrested and… Continue reading Unlimited: Sharing The Good News | Good News Unlimited

To the World and the Skeptics at Home

I have been reflecting a lot lately on sharing the gospel in my own family, and it has caused me to notice details in stories that I have likely overlooked. For example, John’s Gospel – after its cosmic introduction – opens with three very short, personal stories. The first begins with John the Baptist standing… Continue reading To the World and the Skeptics at Home

Urgency To Share The Gospel With Others – Pursuing Intimacy With God

Urgency to Share The Gospel With Others No one besides God knows when Christ will return and the end will come. But I am one of many who believe that we are clearly living in the end times. Many of the signs described in the Bible are happening or have already happened. And it is… Continue reading Urgency To Share The Gospel With Others – Pursuing Intimacy With God

The Parable of the Sower and Bad Evangelism

This post was first published in August, 2017. —ed. One of the dominant myths in evangelicalism is that the growth of Christianity hinges on its popularity. The idea that more people will repent if only the preacher were cooler or funnier invariably causes the church to suffer through a ridiculous parade of entrepreneurial types who act… Continue reading The Parable of the Sower and Bad Evangelism

John MacArthur on Compassion and Evangelism

This post was first published on August 5, 2016, and originally appeared as a part of a blog series titled “Compassion.” –ed. Many in the church today will tell you that the most important way believers reach out and minister to the world around us is through our compassion for those in need. They put… Continue reading John MacArthur on Compassion and Evangelism