Faith Minus Reason Equals Irrational Unbelief

This post was first published during April 2014. –ed. Many people mistakenly think of faith as inherently noble. A once-popular song extols the virtue of faith, or believing: “I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows.” No one really believes that, of course, but that is not the point. The song is a paean… Continue reading Faith Minus Reason Equals Irrational Unbelief

A Strange Encounter on Sacred Ground

The woman at the well is a familiar figure to most churchgoers. This poor Samaritan woman from John chapter 4 has managed to gain a semi-regular role in many Sunday sermons and Wednesday night Bible studies. She has been held up as a poster child for everything from social justice to stylistic worship preferences. Yet… Continue reading A Strange Encounter on Sacred Ground

Blessed Assurance

This series was first published in January 2019. -ed. God is holy and we are sinful. Those two inescapable truths should frame our entire worldview. They also explain the terror God’s saints always felt during the divine encounters recorded in Scripture. It shouldn’t surprise us that even the apostle John collapsed “like a dead man”… Continue reading Blessed Assurance

Fixing Our Eyes on the Unseen – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Do you have a life verse? Mine’s 2 Corinthians 4:18. It’s on our web page and at the end of every email I send: So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (NIV) What does Scripture mean… Continue reading Fixing Our Eyes on the Unseen – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Switching Your Faith On — iWork4Him

When I was 18 years old, I memorized Matthew 5:14-16. Jesus’ metaphor here makes a lot of sense – and it really applies to our work. I’ve got a good friend who runs the ministry One of the things he talks about in his ministry is how believers “switch off” their faith when they go to… Continue reading Switching Your Faith On — iWork4Him

Whatever It Takes

Christianity In one of my favorite stories in the Bible, four men carried a paralytic to Jesus. When He entered Capernaum again after some days, it was reported that He was at home. So many people gathered together that there was no more room, not even in the doorway, and He was speaking the word… Continue reading Whatever It Takes

Heroes of Faith in the Bible – Christian Personal Development

The stories of these heroes of faith in the Bible will strengthen your Christian faith. The faith stories in this post are stories of people that were most unlikely to be called Bible faith giants but their faith exploits have elevated them to this status. I want you to let the Spirit of God help… Continue reading Heroes of Faith in the Bible – Christian Personal Development