Fruit Of The Spirit Affirmations— Patience

Continuing on in our look at each of the fruits of the Holy Spirit and how affirming them cultivates intentional mindfulness within us. Affirmations are a statement intended to provide encouragement, emotional support, or motivation,  In Philippians 4:8, Paul gives us instructions on what we should think or meditate about.  “And now, dear brothers and sisters,… Continue reading Fruit Of The Spirit Affirmations— Patience

God Gave Me Six Boys!

Editor’s note: This week on the blog, we’re doing something we’ve never done before: it’s “Boy Week”! That’s right, we’re celebrating the release of the newest member of the “Lies” family of books, Lies Boys Believe by Erin and Jason Davis, with content celebrating the guys in our lives. You’ll be hearing from Erin Davis and Katie Laitkep later this… Continue reading God Gave Me Six Boys!

Who Is the Holy Spirit? – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Note from Randy: Costi Hinn has seen close-up the hyping of the Holy Spirit for personal gain. Acutely aware of the dangers of false doctrine, he carefully grounds his new book Knowing the Spirit in God’s Word. If you’re looking for a biblical and pastoral treatment of the Holy Spirit, His person, His works, and His importance in… Continue reading Who Is the Holy Spirit? – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

The Privileged Life: Unleash Your Creativity!

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19) I love fall!  We’re in peak leaf-changing season here in southern Appalachia, and the colors around us are eye-popping. Buttery-yellow tulip poplars, tomato-red maples, bright-orange serviceberry… Continue reading The Privileged Life: Unleash Your Creativity!

Introducing: Correct-A-Meme

By Elizabeth Prata I’ll do an occasional entry in this new series, looking at memes and where they take our mind from Jesus and put it on wrong tracks. Where does false doctrine happen? The Bible warns us repeatedly to make sure we are absorbing healthy doctrine and not taking in any polluted doctrine. Our… Continue reading Introducing: Correct-A-Meme

It’s Time for Inventory: Taking Stock of Wisdom

What’s on your list of priorities for today? It’s a wise practice to inventory your life every so often to make sure that priorities haven’t gotten disordered: to look at money spent, time invested, and activities undertaken to assess where your true priorities lie. We all know that it’s far too easy for items that… Continue reading It’s Time for Inventory: Taking Stock of Wisdom

Tapping Into What God Has Given You

A little trivia for you history nerds: This year is the 120th anniversary of the oil gusher at Spindletop near Beaumont, TX. Why is that such a big deal? It’s considered the launch of America’s oil industry. Yes, America had an oil industry before then. After all, Rockefeller’s Standard Oil is what made him so… Continue reading Tapping Into What God Has Given You