More Thoughts on Gluttony: What the Bible Says Part 2

The June 16th episode on gluttony caught many listeners by surprise, so today Heather revisits this topic to go even deeper into what the Bible says about gluttony. Heather delves into the topic of gluttony again and provides listeners with tools to think critically about what it means according to Scripture, not bloggers or internet… Continue reading More Thoughts on Gluttony: What the Bible Says Part 2

What is Gluttony, Really? What the Bible Really Says About Gluttony

Today Heather digs into the topic of gluttony. So many of us have been taught in the church that gluttony equals overeating. We’ve felt shame, guilt, and stress as we’ve tried to not be “gluttonous” in the way we’ve related to food. And, in that desire and pursuit of not committing this sin, we’ve been… Continue reading What is Gluttony, Really? What the Bible Really Says About Gluttony