The Divine Paradox of God’s Sovereignty and Meaningful Human Choice – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

I once spoke to eighty college students about a sensitive theological question: “Can true Christians lose their salvation?” First, I asked them to commit themselves to a yes or no answer. I separated them, according to their answers, on opposite sides of the room, breaking them up into small groups. Next I gave everyone a… Continue reading The Divine Paradox of God’s Sovereignty and Meaningful Human Choice – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

The story of Deborah: Examining the role of women in modern society In the annals of biblical history, a remarkable figure’s story resonates through the ages. Her name is Deborah, a woman of immense wisdom, faith, and strength whose narrative unfolds in the Book of Judges. Deborah’s story begins in a time of turmoil and uncertainty in the land of Canaan. The Israelites faced oppression and… Continue reading The story of Deborah: Examining the role of women in modern society

God Calls Us to Find Happiness in Him – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

In my novel Safely Home, I tell the story of two Harvard roommates reunited in China twenty years after graduation. One is American businessman Ben Fielding, an entrepreneur in international high-tech corporate partnerships. The other is Li Quan, a brilliant academic who, when Ben last saw him, was headed home to be a professor at a… Continue reading God Calls Us to Find Happiness in Him – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Apostasy again: We say goodbye to Aimee Byrd

By Elizabeth Prata Introduction This is an essay that chronicles the rise and fall of an influential person who was formerly in the faith. Among other topics, I use this blog platform to chronicle modern-day discernment issues and compare to the Bible. I did with Beth Moore. I followed up with: Beth Moore’s Spiritual Biography. I did… Continue reading Apostasy again: We say goodbye to Aimee Byrd

Christians are Called to Be Set Apart from the World

In the world NOT of the world. Good day beautiful people I hope that today’s post meets you and your family members well? I also pray that God’s peace continues to guard all of your hearts. Today’s topic has been on my mind a lot lately and I thought it’d be a good idea to… Continue reading Christians are Called to Be Set Apart from the World

If people were chosen to be non-elect, why did Paul CRY for them?

If TULIP and the Westminster Confession of Faith is true, and the idea that God chose who to save before the foundation of the world (choosing individuals to be either elect and able to believe in him, or non-elect and unable to believe in him), then the apostle Paul’s huge concern (and crying) for unbelievers is a huge mystery. WCF:… Continue reading If people were chosen to be non-elect, why did Paul CRY for them?

On the Eve of Twenty Years

All this week on the blog we’ve been celebrating twenty years of ministry here at Revive Our Hearts. Today, on the eve of the twenty-year mark, I’d like to take you back: Before the True Woman Movement, before Aviva Nuestros Corazones, before a global staff numbering hundreds, and before the Lord used this ministry to lead millions… Continue reading On the Eve of Twenty Years

The Power of Friendship: How Choosing your People impacts your Calling

It was a Tuesday morning and my husband was off to work right after an early morning workout. I slept in, so I rolled out of bed after he was gone. I went downstairs and saw I had a pretty flexible calendar. I didn’t have any client calls booked, so I had a full day… Continue reading The Power of Friendship: How Choosing your People impacts your Calling