Lessons learnt from a breakup.

Good day beautiful people, I hope that this post meets you and your loved ones well? It’s been a very long while since I’ve shared my experience as a Christian single woman with the WordPress community and I do have some updates I’d like to fill you in on. The reason I choose to tell… Continue reading Lessons learnt from a breakup.

Parents don’t let guilt overtake you.

Good day beautiful people, I hope that this post meets you well? Today’s write-up is going to be very short, but I pray that the words in this post will be a blessing to you and your family. The Holy Spirit has encouraged me to use this post to uplift godly parents, and to remind… Continue reading Parents don’t let guilt overtake you.

Recapturing the Art of Wonder

Walking life’s hard paths after a while challenges your resilience, steals your Joy and mocks your Hope. Burdens weigh heavier and placing one foot in front of the other becomes the theme song of most days. But what if instead of continuing to carry weighted sorrows, you chose exchanging the dreary for delight, recapturing the art wonder?… Continue reading Recapturing the Art of Wonder

When You Haven’t Got a Prayer – Pray

Hope Discovery of the Day: When you haven’t got a prayer, pray anyway. Scripture of the Day: Colossians 4:2-4 “Be devoted to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving. 3 At the same time pray for us too, that God may open a door for the message so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ,… Continue reading When You Haven’t Got a Prayer – Pray

Your future husband shall see you

Your future husband shall see you  By Babatope Babalobi  babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: http://qrco.de/babalobi Genesis 21 vs 19 And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink. Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible… Continue reading Your future husband shall see you

On the Eve of Twenty Years

All this week on the blog we’ve been celebrating twenty years of ministry here at Revive Our Hearts. Today, on the eve of the twenty-year mark, I’d like to take you back: Before the True Woman Movement, before Aviva Nuestros Corazones, before a global staff numbering hundreds, and before the Lord used this ministry to lead millions… Continue reading On the Eve of Twenty Years

Blessings in the Ashes of Our Mars Hill Experience — Nicole O’Meara

The Rise & Fall of Mars Hill, a podcast by CT Magazine, took the evangelical world by storm last year. My readers already know I think it’s excellent. Now that the podcast is finished, I’ll go so far as to say I think this should be mandatory listening for all seminary students, both as a… Continue reading Blessings in the Ashes of Our Mars Hill Experience — Nicole O’Meara

The Breath of God – 13 Worship Songs {playlist included} — Nicole O’Meara

“Zephyr knows he’s not supposed to get into the garbage. Is he sinning when he does that?” “Does Zephyr need to confess his sins?” My daughter has a fierce attachment to our beloved Aussiedoodle. She was very little when we brought him home as a puppy and they’ve sort of grown up together. More than… Continue reading The Breath of God – 13 Worship Songs {playlist included} — Nicole O’Meara

The Lord is My Portion — Nicole O’Meara

Reading the book of Lamentations is like reading a nightmare in which parents eat their children or leave them to starve.  No wonder the author is lamenting… sorrowing.  His situation is utterly hopeless. “My endurance has perished; so has my hope from the LORD.” I’ve felt that kind of hopelessness.  Not one drop of energy left.… Continue reading The Lord is My Portion — Nicole O’Meara