How To Lift Your Hands In Prayer? – Raising Zion

Do you lift your hands in prayer? A child lifts her hands up when she sees her dad. Every child of God lifts his hands towards God, the Heavenly Father. How we need Him for everything in our lives. Isn’t it wonderful to live daily knowing that even if the world may forsake you, the heavenly… Continue reading How To Lift Your Hands In Prayer? – Raising Zion

Who is Disabled? The Paralympics and the Question of Identity — Nicole O’Meara

Waiting in line with a TV nearby, I watched two triathletes cross a finish line. One collapsed in exhaustion while her coach quickly wrapped a cool wet towel around her neck.  The other trotted by with energy to spare.  The sound on the TV was turned off which should have made it nearly impossible to… Continue reading Who is Disabled? The Paralympics and the Question of Identity — Nicole O’Meara

What Matters Most This Christmas — Nicole O’Meara

I missed Christmas last year. It’s a holiday steeped in long-lasting family traditions, but those traditions didn’t happen. Instead, I spent the holiday in a hospital bed while my children woke up on Christmas morning in a friend’s home, joining in their Christmas traditions. And that’s okay. I am prone to placing too much importance in traditions.… Continue reading What Matters Most This Christmas — Nicole O’Meara

Loving Your Neighbor: the Story of Shelley — Nicole O’Meara

She came bouncing into my room in pink scrubs and a messy pony tail.  The hospital name badge identified her as “Shelley,” my nurse for the day.  Her bouncing took me off-guard.  Nurses don’t bounce, but Shelley does.  We were meeting for the very first time, but she acted as if we were already friends.… Continue reading Loving Your Neighbor: the Story of Shelley — Nicole O’Meara

What’s so Mysterious About Irrational Love? — Nicole O’Meara

It’s a rare occasion when a Bible verse makes me laugh.  There was that one time in college, when my RA, Kim, pointed out that a king fell out his window and through lattice.  (2 Kings 1:1-2)  How in the world…?  Darn those open-windowed castles! At the time, it was pretty funny. Today, a verse… Continue reading What’s so Mysterious About Irrational Love? — Nicole O’Meara

Why Your Name Matters — Nicole O’Meara

A young woman in horn-rimmed glasses and pinned-up curls sat at a table sharing an after-work drink with a friend.  She chatted leisurely about her work day, puffing on a cigarette between sips when someone at the door caught her eye.  A strikingly beautiful woman walked into the bar—not just a woman, a lady. This lady… Continue reading Why Your Name Matters — Nicole O’Meara

Introducing Jesus: “I am the true vine”

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me,… Continue reading Introducing Jesus: “I am the true vine”


The clock ticks and it seems the day will never end. Other days time passes far too quickly and we wish we could redeem the time… To the young mother that’s sleep deprived, overwhelmed, or frustrated:  HOLD ON–treasure the time with your babies.  God has given you a precious gift. To the young family that… Continue reading HOLD ON!