True Hope for Hard Seasons

It wasn’t your traditional school drop-off scenario. No little ones tumbled out of a minivan as their mom waved goodbye and dodged other vehicles in the carpool lane. Instead, it was quieter—idyllic, almost, as my fully-grown younger brother and I pulled into the shaded circle drive of his graduate school building. The peaceful rustle of… Continue reading True Hope for Hard Seasons

Discover The Desires Of God’s Heart – Part 2 – Pursuing Intimacy With God

Discover The Desires of God’s Heart – Part 2 In Part 1 of this series of articles on the desires of God’s heart, we looked at God’s main call and desire for His children and followers. What is His main call and the main desire in God’s heart for His children ? To have the closest possible… Continue reading Discover The Desires Of God’s Heart – Part 2 – Pursuing Intimacy With God

John MacArthur on God’s Consistent Love

This series was first published in June, 2016. –ed. God’s attributes don’t compete against one another for importance. His love doesn’t override everything else He says about Himself. Moreover, love isn’t something that God discovered in the New Testament, thus abandoning His earlier dominant attributes of justice and wrath. The transition from Malachi to Matthew… Continue reading John MacArthur on God’s Consistent Love

God’s Infinite Perfection

This post was first published in June, 2020. —ed. We can’t fully understand God’s holiness. But we can understand it much better than we currently do. By and large, the typical evangelical’s understanding of God is pathetically superficial. Too many professing believers think about God in only self-centered and self-indulgent terms, reducing Him to little… Continue reading God’s Infinite Perfection

God in the Hands of Giddy Sinners

Many charismatics today claim that the Great Awakening was a forerunner to their own movement, marked by the same emotional outbursts and experiences that dominate their worship. Moreover, as we’ve already seen, they argue that the movement was quenched by an emphasis on theological precision. But such arguments betray a woeful misunderstanding of the Great Awakening—a… Continue reading God in the Hands of Giddy Sinners