How many times should I forgive?

A woman holding a cup of coffee. (Photo by Sam Lion from Pexels)Are you tired of forgiving people you love? Is there a point wherein you asked yourself or God, Lord, how often should I forgive them?  Should we limit giving forgiveness to people, especially if they keep on hurting us? Peter even asked Jesus… Continue reading How many times should I forgive?

Setting boundaries in a relationship: The whys and hows

Christians often find themselves woven into various social threads – with friends, family, and coworkers. In these interwoven moments, invitations—whether well-intentioned or not—may surface, nudging you toward actions that go against the grain of your faith. You sense, deep within, the gentle pull to stand firm in your faith, yet saying ‘no’ can feel like… Continue reading Setting boundaries in a relationship: The whys and hows

The Character of God: God visits his people

The Character of God: God visits his people  By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Genesis 18 vs 21  I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will… Continue reading The Character of God: God visits his people

Fight loneliness with faith: How God’s word brings connection and comfort

A man standing in front of the window. (Photo by Sasha Freemind from Unsplash) Nowadays, where many feel isolated despite being technologically connected, the challenge to fight loneliness is more common than ever. Loneliness, a widely experienced human emotion, is not just a passing feeling but a condition that can significantly affect our mental and… Continue reading Fight loneliness with faith: How God’s word brings connection and comfort

When Family Gets Messy

Family can get really messy over the holidays. My family growing up was one big mess on every-days.  Fighting. Arguing. Yelling. Crying. And eventually, a lot of forgiving. If ever there is a place to learn about forgiveness…to practice forgiveness…to struggle with forgiveness…it is in the context of family. And interestingly, it is in the context… Continue reading When Family Gets Messy

Embracing the Bulb — Broken & Hopeful

I am absolutely a fair-weather gardener. I prefer my time outside to be sunny with a comfortable temperature that doesn’t require my fingers to freeze or my face to hurt. Spring planting, summer tending and fall harvesting all fit into this comfort level most years. One of my favorite days of the year is when… Continue reading Embracing the Bulb — Broken & Hopeful

Fear is a Good Thing. Really.

I laughed when I first heard about arachibutyrophobia, which is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. This interesting tidbit got me looking into other phobias. I should apologize for laughing, though. To those who suffer with these fears, it is a real fear to them, causing the same agitation… Continue reading Fear is a Good Thing. Really.

Rebuked by Blessing

Have you ever been rebuked by bananas? Probably not. But Darlene Deibler was.  A young missionary wife ministering to the people of New Guinea in the late nineteen-thirties and early forties, Darlene and her husband continued their ministry though war had broken out across the globe. Eventually Japan took control of the island, and the… Continue reading Rebuked by Blessing

God is Good

By Tanja Have you ever wondered if God is good? I’m sure you have, or maybe you’ve never doubted that God is good, and this question hasn’t shaken you. In Genesis, where there is a record of the account of God creating the world, we see that everything that God created He proclaimed as good.… Continue reading God is Good