The plans I have for you (Jeremiah 29)

You may have heard this one: Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” We’re looking at favourite verses in Jeremiah, and this might top the list. We’re asking you to handle Scripture… Continue reading The plans I have for you (Jeremiah 29)

“Watching Up”: Ten Verses for Stopping Anxiety by Changing Our Focus

There are signs telling us to watch out everywhere we go: watch your step, watch out for pedestrians, watch for deer crossing the road, slippery when wet, dead end ahead. These signs are there for our protection. They focus our attention on a possible danger or problem. That’s a good thing. The world is full… Continue reading “Watching Up”: Ten Verses for Stopping Anxiety by Changing Our Focus

25 Bible verses about God’s promises

Beach during the golden hour. (Photo by Zukiman Mohamad from Pexels)Have you ever felt lost, uncertain about the future, or doubted the path you’re on? We’ve all been there, seeking reassurance in the midst of life’s storms. The Bible isn’t just a book of stories or historical events; it’s a profound collection of promises. Promises… Continue reading 25 Bible verses about God’s promises

Abraham Justified by Faith – Romans 4:19-24

Romans 4:19-24 Our path of faith is all about whether we believe in God’s promise to the people who are already justified through Christ, or not. What does Apostle Paul try to explain here? To say the conclusion first, the answer is in verses 22 and 23. “It was credited to him as righteousness.” And… Continue reading Abraham Justified by Faith – Romans 4:19-24

The legacy of Isaac and Ishmael: Israel’s turbulent and sacred path

Soldiers carrying rifles. (Photo by Somchai Kongkamsri from Pexels) In early October 2023, Hamas initiated an unexpected offensive within Israel’s borders, launching the attack from the Palestinian territory of Gaza. In a tragic turn of events, the actions of Hamas fighters resulted in the loss of more than 1,200 lives. Those affected were innocent women… Continue reading The legacy of Isaac and Ishmael: Israel’s turbulent and sacred path

God’s EVERLASTING (or eternal) COVENANT with Israel was broken

Isaiah 24:5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, BROKEN THE EVERLASTING COVENANT The KJV doesn’t describe God’s covenants as “eternal” covenants, but rather as “everlasting” covenants (16 times in KJV), and this is a translation from the Hebrew word “olam”, which apart from “eternal” can mean “forever“, and many compound this… Continue reading God’s EVERLASTING (or eternal) COVENANT with Israel was broken

Grafted Into Israel — House of David Ministries

The Apostle Paul spoke about God’s promises to Israel in Romans chapter nine. He said: “For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ [Yeshua] for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh, who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service… Continue reading Grafted Into Israel — House of David Ministries

Israel: The Eye of the Hurricane

The little sliver of land known as Israel is practically in the headlines every day—and even more so in recent weeks as the nation has been under attack. Hamas, an Iran-backed terrorist organization, fired thousands of rockets into Israel, hitting population centers. If it weren’t for the Iron Dome defense system stopping 90 percent of… Continue reading Israel: The Eye of the Hurricane