God’s message for Assyria (Nahum, Jonah)

Two Minor Prophets heard God’s message for Nineveh, capital of the biggest, “baddest” empire of the Middle East in the eighth century BC. Assyria traded on its reputation for violence, so that the other nations would yield to them. The prophets say that’s not right. God runs the world, and the nations must answer to… Continue reading God’s message for Assyria (Nahum, Jonah)

What Do You Need Protection From?

If Jesus prayed for our protection … “Holy Father, protect them by your name that you have given me” (John 17:11) … then why am I not protected from the bad things I experience? Jesus prayed for our protection, yet life is still full of attacks and problems. What’s up with that? Jesus prayed for… Continue reading What Do You Need Protection From?

3 Ways God Protects Us When Experiencing a Storm

Friend, God protects us every day. Yet often we are unaware. That is, until we come face to face with a storm. For God quieted my anxious heart by revealing His protective care through an illustration with my cat. From this illustration, let’s learn 3 ways God protects us during a storm. The weather forecast… Continue reading 3 Ways God Protects Us When Experiencing a Storm

Make It As Secure As You Can

I have taught for decades, and still maintain, that the resurrection of Jesus is the central truth of the Christian faith. Without the resurrection, we have nothing. It is the hub around which every other doctrine rotates. The resurrection is the key. It is the victory over death. The next day, that is, after the… Continue reading Make It As Secure As You Can

About entertaining angels unawares

By Elizabeth Prata Angels figure very, very prominently in the NT. People don’t really know this, or they overlook angels in the created order. At the other end of the scale, some are so preoccupied with angels they nearly fall into angel worship. Once you start studying angels, you realize how frequently they are mentioned… Continue reading About entertaining angels unawares

The Power of Prayer in the Life of a Child

I know that most of you in my online family know the story of how I came to faith, but I realize that many of you don’t. So, I want to take today to share it with you. If you’ve heard it before, perhaps this would be an opportunity to forward it to someone who… Continue reading The Power of Prayer in the Life of a Child

You Can’t Bubble Wrap Your Boy: And That’s a Good Thing!

Our family has a motto: “All five to keep him alive.” Ezra is the reason that motto exists. The baby of four brothers, Ezra was born without a risk regulator. He was not quite two the first time he ran away from home. We found him in a neighbor’s field, riding his red plastic motorcycle.… Continue reading You Can’t Bubble Wrap Your Boy: And That’s a Good Thing!

God is in Control – Pathways to Organization

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9 With the recent infiltration of Hamas into Israel, one would think that it took God unaware.… Continue reading God is in Control – Pathways to Organization

The Thief who cheated Death

Something transformational took place with one of the crucified robbers during that very first Good Friday. A radical change of heart unmistakably occurred in this person because a few moments earlier the gospel of Matthew records that the two criminals who were crucified beside Jesus were both bad-mouthing Him. Hostile towards ChristMatthew 27:44 (NIV)And the… Continue reading The Thief who cheated Death