How does following Jesus ease anxiety?

A man standing in front of the “Jesus” word. (Photo by Gift Habeshaw from Unsplash) “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” … Continue reading How does following Jesus ease anxiety?

Gratitude For God’s Sufficient Grace

Welcoming November often turns the thoughts of our hearts to gratitude. It seems gratitude always has more to teach us with each passing year. Recently I sat with the intricately woven idea of gratitude for God’s sufficient grace. Fully understanding God’s grace extended to me through the undeserved favor of God and others shines forth… Continue reading Gratitude For God’s Sufficient Grace

Did You Worship With Thanksgiving? – Psalms 50

Psalms 50 In the rich tapestry of Psalms, we encounter Psalm 50, a poetic masterpiece attributed to Asaph, a distinguished music minister. As we delve into this psalm, we find profound insights that resonate and speak to the essence of worship in our lives. Asaph, known for his musical prowess, played a pivotal role in… Continue reading Did You Worship With Thanksgiving? – Psalms 50

What Does the Bible Say about Gratitude?

Can you remember the last time you paused and thanked God for his faithfulness? Maybe gratitude comes easily to you. Or maybe it’s difficult because you’re going through a hard time at work, or the holidays bring back painful memories. Whatever you’re going through, God is not absent in your pain. He is always with you.… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Gratitude?