Lessons learnt from a breakup.

Good day beautiful people, I hope that this post meets you and your loved ones well? It’s been a very long while since I’ve shared my experience as a Christian single woman with the WordPress community and I do have some updates I’d like to fill you in on. The reason I choose to tell… Continue reading Lessons learnt from a breakup.

How To Fix A Broken Heart? – Raising Zion

THE LORD DOES HEAR THE CRY OF A HEART THAT’S BROKEN!! Yes, it’s true indeed!!❤️ My dear loving friend, is there something that has been bothering you for quite sometime? Hold on!! I have good news for you. There is a patient listener and a friend whom I know, who will not only hear you… Continue reading How To Fix A Broken Heart? – Raising Zion

It Takes Time For Hearts to Heal — Nicole O’Meara

When I woke up from a routine procedure unable to move my legs, I could not understand what had happened. I understood the facts but the whole situation was surreal. Staggering. Preposterous. It literally felt like my mind was breaking. In time, logic set it and I began the process of accepting my disability.  However, my… Continue reading It Takes Time For Hearts to Heal — Nicole O’Meara