Unforgiveness: The Devil’s Scheme

What’s the Devil’s Scheme? We can’t live on this sinful world without getting emotionally wounded. Does our enemy enjoy our pain? Yes. But he uses it too. Primarily the Devil wants to damage our walk with the Lord. A healthy Christian imitates Jesus. We grow in kindness, humility and servanthood. But a self-serving, embittered, feeble believer? A… Continue reading Unforgiveness: The Devil’s Scheme

Casting Out Evil Spirits Comes Only By Prayer

We hear a lot about witches and ghosts around the highly celebrated day called Halloween. But there is nothing fun about evil spirits because Jesus spent a lot of time casting them out. Afterward, when Jesus was alone in the house with his disciples, they asked him, “Why couldn’t we cast out that evil spirit?”… Continue reading Casting Out Evil Spirits Comes Only By Prayer

If I Just Touch the Edge of His Cloak – Luke 8:42-48

Luke 8:42-48 In the passage, we witness the remarkable faith of a woman and the incredible outcome it brought about. During Jesus’ time, those who were subject to bleeding endured harsh treatment, often facing social isolation due to the stigma attached to their condition. The account tells us that there was a large crowd surrounding… Continue reading If I Just Touch the Edge of His Cloak – Luke 8:42-48

Is stem cell treatment a God-given miracle or a moral dilemma

A person holding a laboratory apparatus. (Photo by CDC from Unsplash)In our ever-evolving medical science, few topics garner as much attention, scrutiny, and debate as stem cell treatment. This powerful medical intervention holds the promise of revolutionizing healthcare.  Stem cells offer avenues for treating, and perhaps curing, debilitating conditions like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and spinal cord… Continue reading Is stem cell treatment a God-given miracle or a moral dilemma

20 Uplifting Bible Verses for Healing to Treasure

Bible verses for healing offer comfort when we don’t understand why we are suffering with pain, chronic illness, a nasty infection, or trauma. They can also teach us about God’s character and promises during suffering and what God might be teaching us. When I coach people with chronic illness, we talk about Bible verses for healing… Continue reading 20 Uplifting Bible Verses for Healing to Treasure


Hello my lovely beautiful people, It has been a while since I dug into my own feelings, experiences, observations and thoughts. So here I am sharing a few things about what has been on my heart, regarding people, behaviours and relationships. Let the story begin……As you know, I like meeting new people and getting to… Continue reading Enough STERBING

The power of support: Family and community in addiction recovery

A young man emerged from rehab determined to break free from his addiction to drugs and alcohol. However, he faced profound loneliness as he returned to a world he barely recognized. Abandoned by friends and with strained family ties, he embarked on a challenging journey to sobriety. Returning home, he found unexpected warmth from his… Continue reading The power of support: Family and community in addiction recovery

Sunday Stillness – How do we become sound in the faith? – Growing Through God’s Word

Sunday Stillness – How do we become sound in the faith? I am continuing to study Titus using the SIMPLE Method of Bible Study and Ed Hird’s book Restoring Health. Today I am working through Titus 1:13,14. To learn more about this Bible Study go to my Bookstore. Of course, I start with a prayer for God to open the Scripture… Continue reading Sunday Stillness – How do we become sound in the faith? – Growing Through God’s Word

It Takes Time For Hearts to Heal — Nicole O’Meara

When I woke up from a routine procedure unable to move my legs, I could not understand what had happened. I understood the facts but the whole situation was surreal. Staggering. Preposterous. It literally felt like my mind was breaking. In time, logic set it and I began the process of accepting my disability.  However, my… Continue reading It Takes Time For Hearts to Heal — Nicole O’Meara