You see in these few verses that Samuel positioned himself in a place where God could speak to him. Often we find ourselves like Eli in this story—distracted, busy, and away from God’s presence. Can God shout over the noise of our lives? Yes, but he usually asks us to quiet our lives and lean… Continue reading HEARING THE VOICE OF GOD — SAMUELDEUTH.COM

Unlimited: Listen Carefully To Jesus’ Teachings | Good News Unlimited

Unlimited: Listen Carefully to Jesus’ Teachings Mar 14, 2024 1363 “Consider carefully what you hear,” he continued. “With the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them” (Mark 4:24-25, NIV). Jesus teaches using parables: stories that… Continue reading Unlimited: Listen Carefully To Jesus’ Teachings | Good News Unlimited

God’s message for Israel (Hosea, Amos)

Two minor prophets addressed Israel. Hear what God was saying to Israel, and you’ll hear what God is saying to the world. Want to know what the prophets mean for us? Read them in their setting. It’s more effort than, “I’ll have this verse,” but it means so much more. What God promised comes alive… Continue reading God’s message for Israel (Hosea, Amos)

How Normal People Hear From God-

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears- Psalm 37:17 NIV Hearing from God. It’s a bit of a controversial subject.  Even amongst Christians.  Most non-Christians and some Christians believe only really weird people actually hear from God. Others (both Christian and non-Christian) believe they hear from God all the time concerning every imaginable subject. However, it could be… Continue reading How Normal People Hear From God-