What Does the Bible Say about Being Self-Centered?

Living a life of self-centeredness is a sin. If we don’t invite God into the center of our heart, it gets filled with something else instead of God. Our eyes become focused only on ourselves and we look to satisfy the desires of our hearts. Cain is the one who was overtaken by a self-centered… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Being Self-Centered?

What Does The Bible Say About Encouraging Others?

When we listen to someone’s difficult situation, we may also feel burdened. It’s difficult to encourage others with our own power. When the Holy Spirit is with us, we can encourage others. We shouldn’t have a mindset of indifference even if we cannot provide any help or solution. Have the heart of listening and understanding… Continue reading What Does The Bible Say About Encouraging Others?

What Does The Bible Say About Serving Others?

We have desires to be used by God through big works and to offer many fruits to Him. Having this mind and giving ourselves over to the work, it’s easy for us to lose the heart of serving. Then, we miss something very important. Jesus showed us the image of humility and serving, which we must… Continue reading What Does The Bible Say About Serving Others?