God’s Infinite Perfection

This post was first published in June, 2020. —ed. We can’t fully understand God’s holiness. But we can understand it much better than we currently do. By and large, the typical evangelical’s understanding of God is pathetically superficial. Too many professing believers think about God in only self-centered and self-indulgent terms, reducing Him to little… Continue reading God’s Infinite Perfection

The Revelation of God’s Holiness

This post was first published in June, 2020. —ed. God is never becoming—never growing, learning, or increasing in anything. From eternity past to eternity future, He is always being who He has always been. His infinite perfections cannot be improved upon. It’s hard for us to comprehend the difference between being and becoming. God’s moral perfection and sinlessness… Continue reading The Revelation of God’s Holiness