Hope in the Unseen

My new One Word for 2023, Hope and I have fast-tracked our acquaintance, spending a good deal of time together as the new year came in clothed with uncertainty and trial. Every post written in the month of January had a theme surrounding Hope. But with the onset of spring, creation reminded me of the treasure… Continue reading Hope in the Unseen

Hoping in Hope or the Author of Hope – Denise Pass

Scripture of the Day: Galatians 5:5 (NIV) “For by the Spirit and through faith we wait eagerly for a right relationship with God [ righteousness]—the object of our hope.” Hope Discovery of the Day: Our hope is temporary and futile if it is in hope alone, but when our hope is in the Author of hope, hope incarnate,… Continue reading Hoping in Hope or the Author of Hope – Denise Pass

Looking For Hope?

His professors and fellow students recognized him as one of the most brilliant students on campus. He had “the most” when it came to worldly goods. From any vantage point, he seemed to “have it all.” Early one morning while the campus was wrapped in silence, he jumped to his death from his room in… Continue reading Looking For Hope?

Finding and Defining Hope When Hope Hides – Denise Pass

Hope Discovery of the Day: Hope is in the hurt that pains our souls. It is in the laughter that springs from joy in our hearts. Hope is everywhere if we search for it and found by those who persevere. Scripture of the Day: Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing… Continue reading Finding and Defining Hope When Hope Hides – Denise Pass

She Had Hope

I want to tell you a story about a sweet little girl. She was born on January 24, 1919, in the midst of a pandemic that was threatening to rob her of her family and her very life, on a farm in Reubens, Idaho. The War to End All Wars had just come to an… Continue reading She Had Hope

Living hope

What about when people’s experience of hope is falsehood? Pain can crush hope. Injustice and inhuman oppression squeeze the life out of us, so we yearn for release. But how? Buddhists hope for nirvana, the end of all suffering and desire, exit from the cycle of reincarnation and suffering. Hindus hope for moksha, escape from the cycle… Continue reading Living hope

Hope Beyond Hope

We must never loose hope in what God has promised and never be afraid to hold unto his promises. Even when it seems impossible in the natural, God is able to make things happen beyond all human possibilities. Abraham had a promise from God to become the father of many nations. How would this be… Continue reading Hope Beyond Hope