God’s Promises — Broken & Hopeful

Do you ever have days where you feel like everything gets really heavy and hard? You might go from feeling like you are totally in step with Jesus and taking on the world, and suddenly you slam into a wall of your inadequacy, your unbelief or your questions. It happened so quickly you have whiplash… Continue reading God’s Promises — Broken & Hopeful

The Wonder of Wonder

I sat in a circle surrounded by 39 other retreaters. One of my favorite teachers was in town from South Africa to lead the retreat for spiritual directors, and I felt completely spoiled to be in attendance.  Trevor opened our first session by asking us to walk around a large quilt in the middle of our… Continue reading The Wonder of Wonder

Guest Post: Don’t Lose the Essentials – Enjoying the Journey

Dr. Charles Keen has served as a faithful pastor, Bible teacher, author, Bible publisher, and missionary statesman. We are happy to call him a friend. This good man has been a constant encourager to those who are engaged in the work of the gospel. This article from his pen will be a challenge for all… Continue reading Guest Post: Don’t Lose the Essentials – Enjoying the Journey

Suffering is Perplexing — Nicole O’Meara

I regretted not grabbing a thicker sweater the second goosebumps rose on my arms and my body began to shake. Chris draped his jacket over my shoulders, then moved strategically to block the chill wind. The temperature dipped with the sun’s last rays. At just the right moment, my sister, our photographer, shouted and we all… Continue reading Suffering is Perplexing — Nicole O’Meara

How to Live an Anchored Life when Rare Disease Untethers & Overwhelms You — Nicole O’Meara

My body is having an inflammatory reaction to something as yet undetermined.   Sometimes, when I experience a new symptom or my doctors order a new test, it feels like being tossed about, untethered. I have so many questions, yet I rarely get answers to them. I want the security of knowing that an answer is… Continue reading How to Live an Anchored Life when Rare Disease Untethers & Overwhelms You — Nicole O’Meara

Days of Hope: Recalling God’s Faithfulness in the Playgroup Years — Nicole O’Meara

Last week, I found myself in a circle of women I met as a new mom twenty years ago. We were reminiscing about the Playgroup Days when we would get together every Friday with our babies, toddlers and preschoolers. The bonds we made during those years have stood the test of time. I heard a… Continue reading Days of Hope: Recalling God’s Faithfulness in the Playgroup Years — Nicole O’Meara

The Lord is My Portion — Nicole O’Meara

Reading the book of Lamentations is like reading a nightmare in which parents eat their children or leave them to starve.  No wonder the author is lamenting… sorrowing.  His situation is utterly hopeless. “My endurance has perished; so has my hope from the LORD.” I’ve felt that kind of hopelessness.  Not one drop of energy left.… Continue reading The Lord is My Portion — Nicole O’Meara