The clock ticks and it seems the day will never end. Other days time passes far too quickly and we wish we could redeem the time… To the young mother that’s sleep deprived, overwhelmed, or frustrated:  HOLD ON–treasure the time with your babies.  God has given you a precious gift. To the young family that… Continue reading HOLD ON!

True Hope for Hard Seasons

It wasn’t your traditional school drop-off scenario. No little ones tumbled out of a minivan as their mom waved goodbye and dodged other vehicles in the carpool lane. Instead, it was quieter—idyllic, almost, as my fully-grown younger brother and I pulled into the shaded circle drive of his graduate school building. The peaceful rustle of… Continue reading True Hope for Hard Seasons


Bible Trapped. Bound. Fear and doubt and darkness and hopelessness. Shame and regret. SIN SELFISHNESS and SEPARATION from the God who created me. Who LOVES me. WHO RESCUES ME. From sin. From myself. Return to your rest, my soul,for the Lord has been good to you.  For You, Lord, rescued me from death,my eyes from tears,my feet from stumbling.… Continue reading Rescued

The Epiphany of the Lord: Christ as the Light to all Nations

Christmas is the season of the manifestation of the Light.  The light is no other than our Lord, Jesus Christ. On Christmas day, Jesus was born as a sign to the world that God’s promised light had come to earth. This is splendidly pronounced in the prophecy of Isaiah in the first reading during the Christmas midnight… Continue reading The Epiphany of the Lord: Christ as the Light to all Nations