Man Created in God’s Image

“God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…” This is Genesis 1:26. In 1:11-25 God made the plants, fish, birds, and animals each according to its own kind. But God did not make man “according to man’s kind.” God made man in God’s own image and likeness. “Image” refers to God’s attributes.… Continue reading Man Created in God’s Image

The ethics of gene editing: Are we playing with nature’s blueprint?

A hand working with a scientific tool. (Photo by National Cancer Institute from Unsplash) In a press release on November 25, 2018, Jiankui He, an associate professor from the Southern University of Science and Technology, declared the birth of two infants in China with edited C-C chemokine receptor type 5 (CCR5) genes. He asserted that… Continue reading The ethics of gene editing: Are we playing with nature’s blueprint?

THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God likes and rewards righteousness

THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God likes and rewards righteousness  By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Genesis 7 vs 1 And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation. Join WhatsApp Prayer… Continue reading THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God likes and rewards righteousness

THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God has close friends

THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God has close friends  By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Genesis 5 vs 24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about THE… Continue reading THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God has close friends

Being Transformed to Express the Jasper God 43-1-5

New Jerusalem is “clear as crystal” (Rev. 21:11), “like clear glass” (v. 18), and “like transparent glass” (v. 21). Fallen man is the opposite – darkened and hardened (Eph. 4:18). But Christ has redeemed us from our fallen state and has become our life and our light! We need to apply this picture to our… Continue reading Being Transformed to Express the Jasper God 43-1-5

New Jerusalem Has the Appearance of God 43-1-4

In Revelation 4:3 “He who was sitting [on the throne] was like a jasper stone” and in 21:11 New Jerusalem’s “light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone.” The whole of New Jerusalem has the same appearance as God who sits on the throne at the center of the city. God’s goal, His eternal… Continue reading New Jerusalem Has the Appearance of God 43-1-4

6 Bible Verses Describing YOUR Father God – Melanie Redd

It’s been an amazing journey really. If you had told me how fascinating this adventure would become, I would have started it sooner. 6 Bible Verses Describing YOUR Father God My trek through my Bible concordance has actually been one of the best things I’ve done in a long time. You see, each morning I turn… Continue reading 6 Bible Verses Describing YOUR Father God – Melanie Redd