God’s message for Israel (Hosea, Amos)

Two minor prophets addressed Israel. Hear what God was saying to Israel, and you’ll hear what God is saying to the world. Want to know what the prophets mean for us? Read them in their setting. It’s more effort than, “I’ll have this verse,” but it means so much more. What God promised comes alive… Continue reading God’s message for Israel (Hosea, Amos)

Unlimited: Why Jesus Taught In Parables | Good News Unlimited

Unlimited: Why Jesus Taught in Parables Mar 11, 2024 15422 When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside, everything is said in parables so that, “‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and… Continue reading Unlimited: Why Jesus Taught In Parables | Good News Unlimited

Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Spirit Now and in New Jerusalem

Romans 14:17 declares that “the kingdom of God is…righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Today we have the reality of the kingdom within us. In the coming age and eternity the kingdom will also be manifested around us. The context of Romans 14 shows that these three blessings are for today. However, today they are only inward; the outward situation… Continue reading Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Spirit Now and in New Jerusalem

He’s With You; No Matter What Row You’re In

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mothers womb…Your eyes saw my unformed substance: In your book were written, everyone of them, the days that were formed for me. Psalm 139: 13-18 I’m not a big concert person. Something about thousands of people with only a few exits doesn’t appeal to… Continue reading He’s With You; No Matter What Row You’re In

Let Us Enjoy and Express the Triune God Today

Paul wrote about “my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I will be put to shame, but with all boldness, as always, even now Christ will be magnified in my body…for to me, to live is Christ.” (Phil. 1:20-21) He lived Christ and expressed Christ as fully as any one believer could. Paul accomplished… Continue reading Let Us Enjoy and Express the Triune God Today

We Live in and by the Spirit unto New Jerusalem

Here are some verses about the Spirit which has regenerated and is mingled with our human spirit:Acts 16:7, “the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them”Romans7:6, “we serve in newness of spirit”Romans 8:4, “walk according to the Spirit,” 12:11 “burning in Spirit, serving the Lord”Galatians 5:16, “walk by the Spirit,” 5:22 “the fruit of the… Continue reading We Live in and by the Spirit unto New Jerusalem

Unsearchable Riches of Christ for Glory to God

The gold of New Jerusalem signifies God in His intrinsic nature and the glory, the light of the city, is His expression. The city has, and needs, only one lamp to fill it with the divine light. This lamps is Christ— “the glory of God illumined [New Jerusalem], and its lamp is the Lamb” (Rev. 21:23).… Continue reading Unsearchable Riches of Christ for Glory to God

New Jerusalem Radiates the Glory of God

Revelation 21:23 describes New Jerusalem, “the city has no need of the sun or of the moon that they should shine in it, for the glory of God illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb.” The whole city has “the glory of God” (21:11). The New Jerusalem does not need any natural or man-made light,… Continue reading New Jerusalem Radiates the Glory of God

New Jerusalem Expresses the Triune God

Revelation 21:18 says of New Jerusalem “the city was pure gold, like clear glass.” Verses 12 and 21 tell us that New Jerusalem “had a great and high wall and had twelve gates” and “the twelve gates were twelve pearls.” Verse 19’s description is “The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every… Continue reading New Jerusalem Expresses the Triune God