Jesus Christ, the Unique Life of New Jerusalem

According to the divine revelation, only God Himself is life in the entire universe. This God who is life is absolutely embodied in Christ (Col. 2:9). Christ is the tree of life, and in this tree of life is the full enjoyment of all the riches of life. Revelation 22:2 tells us that the tree of life… Continue reading Jesus Christ, the Unique Life of New Jerusalem

Redemption for Life unto New Jerusalem

Praise the Lord that we are the partakers of the divine nature and that we also have the redeeming Christ. We have the full right and privilege to enjoy the divine light and to claim the divine flow. Both the divine light, God the Father, and the divine flow, God the Spirit, are our portion even today. We must apply… Continue reading Redemption for Life unto New Jerusalem

Rejoice in the Lord, Drink the Water of Life 43-2-2

In New Jerusalem John saw “a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of its street.” The river portrays the Spirit flowing to us and 1 Corinthians 12:13 says we “were all given to drink one Spirit.” Isaiah 12:2 says the Lord has become… Continue reading Rejoice in the Lord, Drink the Water of Life 43-2-2

Walk in God’s Divine Nature, Drink the Water of Life 43-2-3

Revelation 21:21’s description of New Jerusalem is “the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass.” The river flows out of the throne, but it flows in the middle of the street. Revelation 21:21 tells us that the street of the city is pure gold….The street in the New Jerusalem is the very riverbed of… Continue reading Walk in God’s Divine Nature, Drink the Water of Life 43-2-3

In New Jerusalem We Enjoy God as our Light 43-2-1

In the Bible darkness is a type of punishment. God punished the Egyptians with a thick darkness for three days (Exo. 10:22), and in the future God will punish the Antichrist and his kingdom with darkness (Rev. 16:10). Part of the enjoyment in the New Jerusalem is that there will be no night. The city… Continue reading In New Jerusalem We Enjoy God as our Light 43-2-1

New Jerusalem Has the Appearance of God 43-1-4

In Revelation 4:3 “He who was sitting [on the throne] was like a jasper stone” and in 21:11 New Jerusalem’s “light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone.” The whole of New Jerusalem has the same appearance as God who sits on the throne at the center of the city. God’s goal, His eternal… Continue reading New Jerusalem Has the Appearance of God 43-1-4

Jewel Series #2: When gold becomes transparent

By Elizabeth Prata Recently I wrote about pearls, and today I’m writing about gold. Many precious and semi-precious gems mentioned in the Bible, and I’m interested in all of them! Next in my Jewels series I’ll write about rubies. But first, some science. I haven’t written a science essay in a while. Quantum dots are the new big… Continue reading Jewel Series #2: When gold becomes transparent

Come Before God in Community

Prepare for Lesson Read 1st Peter 2:8b-12 to prepare for today’s lesson. If you’re new to this community, please read the Reading Plan: Your Identity in Christ, Conduct Before God (Parts 1, 2, and 3). Focus As you come to Him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves, like living stones,… Continue reading Come Before God in Community