What Does the Bible Teach about Church Membership?

Originally published July 9th, 2020 Accountability Within a Church Body The concept of church discipline can often make Christians uncomfortable for several reasons. Either they have seen it practiced and exercised improperly, or the idea of a group holding each other accountable for how they live is offensive. As Americans, we live in a very… Continue reading What Does the Bible Teach about Church Membership?

The Love in Leadership | Leadership Devotional

“It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end” (John 13:1 NIV). The Truth About Leadership I have had the honor of knowing hundreds—probably… Continue reading The Love in Leadership | Leadership Devotional


Given the level of distrust that seems to be growing towards church leaders and  corporate offenses rising against the Church, I’ve been getting more emails asking how to know if a pastor can be trusted. Obviously, there are clear scriptural directives concerning the qualifications of church leaders (1 Timothy 3Titus 1:6-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-3). But,… Continue reading CAN I TRUST MY PASTOR?

The valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37)

Exiled in Babylon, Ezekiel receives news that Jerusalem has fallen (Ezekiel 33). It’s the last gasp of a nation that is no more. Assyria had taken most of the land, and Babylon has taken what remained. There is no house where God is present in the world. There’s no anointed king representing heaven’s reign on… Continue reading The valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37)

What is the vision of your business? – Christian Personal Development

Sponsored Ad Deep Secrets About Spiritual Mentoring That Can Speed Up Results in Your Life, Business or Ministry Buy on Amazon  Buy in Nigeria  Call/Whatsapp 08034300979   What is the vision of your business? Are you creating a business plan? This Bible Short Report will share the principles of the Compass Business Plan. This book is short but contains… Continue reading What is the vision of your business? – Christian Personal Development

Old Testament Joseph’s Heart Models Great Leadership – Ron Edmondson

Old Testament Joseph’s heart models some great leadership characteristics. Someone asked me once what I primarily look for in the hiring of a staff position. I said, without reservation, first and foremost, I look for the heart. I want a heart which honors Christ more than self, one which desires to grow and learn, and… Continue reading Old Testament Joseph’s Heart Models Great Leadership – Ron Edmondson

Learn to Love People Better at Work — iWork4Him

It’s safe to say that the Industrial Revolution was not started based on the premise of loving our employees. Many big business people needed workers, and many workers needed jobs, so they fulfilled one another’s expectations, but very few of those workers felt loved or appreciated.  A lot has changed over the last 100 years in… Continue reading Learn to Love People Better at Work — iWork4Him

Wise Investments: How Money Stewardship Connects to Body Stewardship

This thought-provoking episode of “Compared to Who?” explains the connections between being a good “steward” of our money and the stewardship of our bodies. Looking at Matthew 6, Heather answers a listener’s question: How can I know what it means to be a good steward of my body when it’s so easy to believe diet culture’s… Continue reading Wise Investments: How Money Stewardship Connects to Body Stewardship

Next generation of leaders: How to mentor the youth

In today’s ever-changing world, the landscape of leadership is shifting before our eyes.  As a Christian reader, you understand the importance of guiding the next generation of leaders in the path of righteousness and wisdom.  In this article, we will provide you with essential insights and guidance on how to mentor the youth, helping them… Continue reading Next generation of leaders: How to mentor the youth

Are churches growing or are Christians just shifting?

This is a guest post from Steven McCready of Riverview Church in Western Australia, reposted from Steve McAlpine. I’m writing this to my brothers and sisters, the pastors of the churches in Perth. I am a guest in this great city, and I consider it an honour to co-labour with you in this great work. As I enter my third… Continue reading Are churches growing or are Christians just shifting?