[Bible Q&A] “The Righteous Will Live by Faith.” What Does “Faith” Mean Here?

In Romans 1:17, “faith” refers to total acceptance and an absolute trust in God’s love and grace. Paul’s understanding of faith is not merely believing in God’s existence, but rather, it encompasses a deep relationship of trust and reliance on God’s promises and character. Imagine being in the cold on a freezing day, with warm… Continue reading [Bible Q&A] “The Righteous Will Live by Faith.” What Does “Faith” Mean Here?

Choose Life Not Sin – Divorce Minister

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life,… Continue reading Choose Life Not Sin – Divorce Minister

Reviving an Ancient Lie

This post was originally published in June 2014. –ed. The book of 1 John is all about separating truth from error. Specifically, it’s about testing yourself to see if your faith is authentic. And when it comes to defending against the poisonous influence of false teaching, those tests are as vital today as they were when… Continue reading Reviving an Ancient Lie

Bible verses about eternal LIFE or DEATH for the souls

What the Bible says about spiritual DEATH Our choice when it comes to our permanent future seems to be a) eternal life, or b) eternal death. If the first realm is eternal (staying alive for ever in the kingdom of God) it makes sense to assume that also the latter realm is equally eternal (staying… Continue reading Bible verses about eternal LIFE or DEATH for the souls

Life in Christ – The With God Life! (Romans 6:1-14)

I open the Bible to chapter 6 of Romans, and immediately these words grab me hard: “…are you unaware…?” I understand that unawareness is a blind spot, and it is downright dangerous. So, I stop what I’m doing and pray: Lord, help show me where I am unaware.” Are you aware that… The enemy of our soul… Continue reading Life in Christ – The With God Life! (Romans 6:1-14)